So thrilled to hear from one of our valued customers
"I thought I should let you know that I still love my DJ Bikes Fat Bike - At a little over 900 miles so far, it still works great. I ride about 80% pavement and 20% dirt, and it still amazes me how well the bike does on both types of surfaces. It runs smooth and fast on roads, and the front suspension and extremely comfortable seat soak up the rocks and ruts when off-road.
"I ride almost exclusively using Pedal Assist modes, almost never touch the throttle - riding like this, I get over 40 miles on a charge, with more than 25% remaining. It definitely takes special skills to handle riding steep hills covered with rocks, sand, and gravel - I've laid the bike over a couple times learning those skills. Still not a mark on the bike, though I have a few wounds acquired while learning.
"Attached is a picture of a ride I did on Halloween night - with a tripod and a long exposure, it looks almost like daytime. but the lighting is exclusively from the Blue Moon that night.
"Thanks again for the great bike, great price, and quick delivery."