How is customer service handled at DJ Bikes?
A frequently asked question is, “What will happen when I call or email DJ Bikes with an enquiry about a bike?”
Whether you call or email us, our app will automatically assign you a case number, and the first available member of our Support Team will respond, usually by the method you contact us (whether phone or email). Occasionally we may answer your email with a phone call when it will be easier to clarify your question. The reason we use an app to record our calls and emails is so that we never lose one, and always have your history when you have further questions, when you talk to more than one Team member, or when we need the answer we gave you for another customer with a similar issue.
Our goal is to respond within 24 business hours. Some responses may be much quicker, but occasionally a little longer during peak seasons. Call and email volumes can fluctuate widely. Our Support Team all works 9-5 Mountain time, Monday to Friday, so if calls or emails come in over the weekend, they are automatically queued for a Monday response.
It is generally best if you do not follow up a call with an email, or vice versa, as it will mean you are entered into the queue twice, and this may create confusion for you or DJ. Once you are working with a specific Support Team member, you will usually work with that person until your case is resolved, although occasionally we adjust for our call and email volumes by reassigning cases. Sometimes, as well, if a certain Support Team member has expertise with a certain issue, we may reassign a case for that reason.
What happens after you have spoken to a member of our Support Team? If we are not able to answer your question immediately, we may have to research an answer, often by reaching out to a third party, to make sure the answer we give you is accurate and comprehensive.
If you receive an email stating that your case has been resolved, and you are not satisfied with the resolution, please respond to the email and we will reopen your case. You may also receive a link to complete a survey on our customer service, which helps us know how we are doing, and how we can improve.
Our bottom line is that we provide personal, friendly service. We aim to make you fully satisfied with your bike and service. That’s how we build a loyal customer base, and that’s how we build our market.